NMIN leverages the research and entrepreneurial excellence of a pan-Canadian, multidisciplinary team.
NMIN’s Board of Directors (BoD) provides governance and monitors progress towards strategic goals. The BoD receives input from two Advisory Committees: the Executive & Nominating Committee, and the Finance & Audit Committee.
NMIN’s Management Team consists of the Scientific Director & CEO, the Associate Scientific Director, and the Executive Director.
NMIN’s Research program receives oversight and strategic direction from the Research Management Committee (RMC). Each of the program’s three Themes and two Core Facilities are further overseen by two Co-leaders.
The RMC receives input from three committees: the KTEE Advisory Committee, the HQP Program Advisory Committee (HPAC), and the Executive Committee of the NMIN HQP Network (NHN).
The Administrative Centre Team provides support to the Research and the HQP programs, and implements the network’s administration, operations, IP, and communications cores on a day-to-day basis.

NMIN leveraged the research and entrepreneurial excellence of a pan-Canadian, multidisciplinary team.
NMIN’s former Board of Directors (BoD) provided governance and monitors progress towards strategic goals. The BoD received input from two Advisory Committees: the Executive & Nominating Committee, and the Finance & Audit Committee.
NMIN’s former Management Team consisted of the Scientific Director & CEO, the Associate Scientific Director, and the Executive Director.
NMIN’s Research program received oversight and strategic direction from the Research Management Committee (RMC). Each of the program’s three Themes and two Core Facilities were further overseen by two Co-leaders.
The RMC received input from three bodies: the Commercialization Advisory Board (CAB), the HQP Program Advisory Committee (HPAC), and the Executive Committee of the NMIN HQP Network (NHN).
The Administrative Centre Team provided support to the Research and the HQP programs, and implements the network’s administration, operations, IP, and communications cores on a day-to-day basis.

Former Board of Directors
NMIN’s Board of Directors (BoD) provided governance and monitored progress towards strategic goals.
The BoD included 10 individuals with leadership experience in areas ranging from law to corporate management. Committees of the Board included the Board Executive, Board Nomination, Audit and Finance, Conflict of Interest, and Ethics Advisory committees. Members of the BoD also formed adhoc committees or special task forces as needed.

CHAIR: Inès Holzbaur
Co-Founder & Managing Partner, AmorChem

Pieter Cullis
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UBC

VICE-CHAIR: Lesley Esford
Board Director, Innovate BC; Chair, NMIN Finance & Audit Committee

Rachel Fernandez
Associate Vice-President, Research & Innovation, University of British Columbia

CHAIR: Inès Holzbaur
Co-Founder & Managing Partner, AmorChem

Vanessa Grant
Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

David Martin
Managing Director & Head of Equity Research, Bloom Burton & Co

Parimal Nathwani
President and CEO

Gilbert Walker
Scientific Director & CEO
University of Toronto

Jennyfer Zapata-Farfan
Observer: President & Chair, NHN Executive Committee

Christine Allen
Associate Vice-President & Vice-Provost, Strategic Initiatives, University of Toronto; Scientific Director & CEO, NMIN

Christine Allen
Associate Vice-President & Vice-Provost, Strategic Initiatives, University of Toronto; Scientific Director & CEO, NMIN

Pieter Cullis
Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

VICE-CHAIR: Lesley Esford
Board Director, Innovate BC; Chair, NMIN Finance & Audit Committee

Rachel Fernandez
Associate Vice-President, Research & Innovation, University of British Columbia

Vanessa Grant
Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

David Martin
Managing Director & Head of Equity Research, Bloom Burton & Co

Parimal Nathwani
President and CEO, TIAP
MaRS Innovation

Gilbert Walker
Scientific Director & CEO

Jennyfer Zapata-Farfan
Observer: President & Chair, NHN Executive Committee

Norma Sebestyen
Advisor, Health Innovation, Strategy and Commercialization

Rebecca Yu
Vice President, Market Access and External Affairs, Takeda Canada
Former Management Team
NMIN’s Leadership Team was comprised of the Scientific Director, the Associate Scientific Director, and the Executive Director, who provided strategic leadership and overall management.

Pieter Cullis
Scientific Director & CEO

Gilbert Walker
Scientific Director & CEO

Afsaneh Lavasanifar
Associate Scientific Director

Diana Royce
Executive Director

Pieter Cullis
Scientific Director & CEO

Gilbert Walker
Scientific Director & CEO

Afsaneh Lavasanifar
Associate Scientific Director

Diana Royce
Executive Director
Former Research Management Committee
With representatives from academic and industry partners, the Research Management Committee (RMC) was responsible for ongoing assessment of all projects and provides recommendations to the BoD regarding research priorities and budget allocations.
The RMC received input from three committees: the Commercialization Advisory Board (CAB), the HQP Program Advisory Committee (HPAC), and the Executive Committee of the NMIN HQP Network (NHN).
CHAIR: Terry M Allen
Professor Emerita, Pharmacology & Oncology, University of Alberta and Visiting Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine, University of British Columbia

Marcel Bally
Theme 1 & PharmaCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Nicolas Bertrand
Associate Professor
Université Laval

Anna Blakney
Grand Challenges Thrust 2 Co-leader
University of British Columbia

CHAIR: Terry M Allen
Professor Emerita, Pharmacology & Oncology, University of Alberta and Visiting Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine, University of British Columbia

Christine Allen
Scientific Director & CEO, NMIN
University of Toronto

Marcel Bally
Theme 1 & PharmaCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Nicolas Bertrand
Associate Professor
Université Laval

Anna Blakney
Grand Challenges Thrust 2 Co-leader
University of British Columbia

Warren Chan
Theme 3 Co-leader
University of Toronto

Connie Chen
Senior Director, Strategy & Corporate Development

Pieter Cullis
Theme 2 & NanoCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Emmanuel Ho
Associate Professor
University of Waterloo

Christian Kastrup
Theme 2 & NanoCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Warren Chan
Theme 3 Co-leader
University of Toronto

Connie Chen
Senior Director, Strategy & Corporate Development

Pieter Cullis
Theme 2 & NanoCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Emmanuel Ho
Associate Professor
University of Waterloo

Shana Kelley
Theme 3 Leader
University of Toronto

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Theme 1 & PharmaCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Afsaneh Lavasanifar
Associate Scientific Director
University of Alberta

Larry Lynd
EHTA Platform Leader
University of British Columbia

David Martin
Board Representative
NMIN Board Member

Michel Meunier
Theme 3 Co-leader
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Norbert Maurer
Evonik Transferra

Christian Kastrup
Theme 2 & NanoCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Theme 1 & PharmaCore Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Afsaneh Lavasanifar
Associate Scientific Director
University of Alberta

Larry Lynd
eHTA Platform Leader
University of British Columbia

David O’Neill

Gilbert Walker
Scientific Director & CEO
University of Toronto

Kaley Wilson
Director, Business Development
Quark Venture

Karen Chan
NanoCore Operational Lead

Miffy Cheng
Theme 2 Research & KTEE Accelerator

David Martin
Board Representative
NMIN Board Member

Michel Meunier
Theme 3 Co-leader
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Gilbert Walker
Scientific Director & CEO
University of Toronto

Kaley Wilson
Director, Business Development
Quark Venture

Karen Chan
NanoCore Operational Lead

Miffy Cheng
Theme 2 Research & KTEE Accelerator

Nick Dragojlovic
eHTA Technical Lead

Nancy Dos Santos
PharmaCore Operational Lead

Sara Esam
NCE Secretariat

Ramya Kannan
Theme 1 Research & KTEE Accelerator

Michael Valic
NHN Vice-President

Nashmia Zia
Theme 3 Research & KTEE Accelerator

Nancy Dos Santos
PharmaCore Operational Lead

Sara Esam
NCE Secretariat

Ramya Kannan
Theme 1 Research & KTEE Accelerator

Nashmia Zia
Theme 3 Research & KTEE Accelerator

Michael Valic
NHN Vice-President
Former Research Theme & Core Facilities Leaders
NMIN research was organized into three themes, led by Theme Leaders: Targeted Drug Delivery, Gene Therapy, and Diagnostics, each consisting of up to 10 projects. The research themes were supported by two core facilities led by Core Leaders: NanoCore and PharmaCore
Theme 1: Targeted Drug Delivery

Marcel Bally
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Ramya Kannan
Theme 1 Research & KTEE Accelerator
Theme 2: Gene Therapy

Pieter Cullis
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Christian Kastrup
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Miffy Cheng
Theme 2 Research & KTEE Accelerator
Theme 1: Targeted Drug Delivery

Marcel Bally
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia
Theme 2: Gene Therapy

Pieter Cullis
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Christian Kastrup
Theme Co-Leader
University of British Columbia
Theme 3: Diagnostics

Warren Chan
Theme Co-Leader
University of Toronto

Michel Meunier
Theme 3 Co-Leader
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Nashmia Zia
Theme 3 Research & KTEE Accelerator
Theme 3: Diagnostics
HQP Program

Warren Chan
Theme Co-Leader
University of Toronto

Michel Meunier
Theme Co-Leader

Mark Pereira
Theme Accelerator
University of Toronto

Pieter Cullis
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Christian Kastrup
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Karen Chan
Core Operational Lead
University of British Columbia

Marcel Bally
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Nancy Dos Santos
Core Operational Lead
BC Cancer Agency

Larry Lynd
University of British Columbia

Nick Dragojlovic
Technical Lead
University of British Columbia

Karen Chan
Core Operational Lead
University of British Columbia

Marcel Bally
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Nancy Dos Santos
Core Operational Lead
BC Cancer Agency

Pieter Cullis
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Christian Kastrup
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Karen Chan
NanoCore Operational Lead
University of British Columbia

Marcel Bally
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Shyh-Dar (Star) Li
Core Co-Leader
University of British Columbia

Nancy Dos Santos
Core Operational Lead
BC Cancer Agency
NHN Executive Committee (2023-24)
The former Executive Committee of NMIN’s Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Network (NHN) was comprised of NMIN HQP, and played a leadership role in the planning and realization of NMIN’s HQP programs, activities and other opportunities. The mandate of the NHN Executive Committee was to enhance research and professional networking opportunities for NMIN research trainees and new professionals

Jennyfer Zapata-Farfan
Polytechnique Montréal

Michael Valic
University of Toronto

Noorjahan Aibani
Events Director
Precision NanoSystems Inc.

Alexander Baker
University of Toronto

Amélie Baron
Regional Director – Quebec/Atlantic
Polytechnique Montréal

Ariadne Tuckmantel Bido
University of British Columbia

Talita de Francesco Calheiros
University of Victoria

Norman Chow
Communications Director
BC Cancer

Tavonga Mandava
Regional Director – West-Central
University of Saskatchewan

Liza Silverman
Regional Director – Pacific
University of Victoria

Nashmia Zia
Regional Director – Ontario
University of Toronto
Administrative Centre Team
The Administrative Centre team consisted of the Executive Director, the Executive Assistant, the Finance Manager, the Research and Partnerships Manager, the HQP & Events Coordinator, and the Digital Initiatives Consultant. This team supported and facilitated the work of the network’s Governance, Management and Program teams, and was responsible for the network’s day-to-day operations.

Marshall Beck
Digital Initiatives / Communications Manager

Cathy Jiang

Rasika Kulkarni
Manager, Research Administration
Diana Royce
Executive Director
Maria Barros
Executive Assistant
Marshall Beck
Digital Initiatives Consultant
Leah Graystone
HQP & Events Coordinator
Andrew Kim
Daniel Rogers
Manager, Research & Partnerships
2350 Health Sciences Mall, Room 5451
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3