Thanks to all the presenters, poster exhibitors, sponsors and participants in Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2020 for making it another memorable and informative experience.
Recordings of most sessions from the event are available below.
Dr. Urs Häfeli
University of British Columbia
Organizer, Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2020
Introduction to Nanomedicine
Dr. Emmanuel Ho
University of Waterloo
Committee Member, NMIN’s HPAC
Protein self-assembly—the good, the bad and the ugly
Dr. Vito Foderà
University of Copenhagen
Nanoscale flow cytometry analysis of extracellular vesicles for liquid biopsy development in cancer
Dr. Karla Williams
University of British Columbia
NMIN Collaborator
Development and Fabrication of Surfactant-based Liposomes for Drug Targeting
Dr. Shyh-Dar Li
University of British Columbia
NMIN Research Co-Leader (Theme I)
Metals in Liposomes
Dr. Marcel Bally
University of British Columbia
NMIN Research Leader (Theme I)
A Canadian Catalyst: NanoMedicine Innovation Network (NMIN)
Drs. Pieter Cullis & Diana Royce
NMIN Management Team
Nanomaterials, Graphene and Immune Cells ‐ From Biomedical Applications to Fighting COVID‐19
Dr. Lucia Gemma Delogu
University of Padua
A Novel Vaccine Approach Using Messenger RNA‐Lipid Nanoparticles: Preclinical and Clinical Perspectives
Drs. Ying Tam
Acuitas Therapeutics
Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies to SARS‐CoV‐2 and Prospective Applications
Dr. Ralph Pantophlet
Simon Fraser University
Session 5: Rapid Talks
Various speakers (see program)
Debate: Are Nanomedicines Still the Next Big Thing?
Drs. Marcel Bally & Kishor Wasan
NMIN Researchers
Poster prizes announcement
Dr. Urs Hafeli
University of British Columbia

Screenshots from the event
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Participation link
The participation link was sent to the emails of all registrants (as provided in the registration form) repeatedly. We are sorry if you did not receive it. Please check your spam folder.
We do not want you to miss the event, so here is the link:
The event begins today, Thursday September 17, 2020, at 8:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Please note that all the times given in the event program are in PDT.
We look forward to your participation.
This world-class symposium, the sixth event of its kind, brought together a record number (500+) of renowned Canadian and international experts from across the nanomedicines field to:
- highlight the discoveries and innovations in nanomedicines that are contributing to global progress in acute, chronic and orphan disease treatment and management;
- present up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic nanomedicine approaches to addressing the challenges of COVID-19; and
- facilitate discussion among nanomedicine researchers and innovators and UBC and NMIN clinician-scientists, basic researchers, trainees, and research partners.
Since 2014, Vancouver Nanomedicine Day has advanced nanomedicine research, knowledge mobilization and commercialization in Canada by sharing high-impact findings and facilitating interaction—among researchers, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and life science and startup biotechnology companies—to catalyze research collaboration.

Dr. Urs Häfeli, PhD, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Colombia
Nanomedicine is an interdisciplinary research area within nanotechnology that aims to develop medical technologies at the nanoscale, ranging from drug delivery carriers and imaging agents to nanomaterials and nanoelectronic biosensors.
A cluster of nanomedicine researchers based at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has organized this event since 2014.
Virtual Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2020 featured:
- An introduction to nanomedicines by Dr. Emmanuel Ho (University of Waterloo)
- A keynote address by an iconic nanomedicine innovator: Dr. Robert Langer (MIT, Department of Chemical Engineering)
- Invited talks by internationally renowned experts, including Dr. Vito Foderà (The University of Copenhagen, Denmark); Dr. Lucia Gemma Delogu (University of Padova, Italy); and Dr. Christine Allen (University of Toronto)
- A virtual poster competition, with cash prizes for the top posters
- A debate on whether “nanomedicines are still the next big thing” between Marcel Bally (proponent) and Kishor Wasan (opponent)
NOTE that all times in the program are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
Featured speakers

Microtechnologies and Nanotechnologies in Drug Delivery
Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
Protein self-assembly: the good, the bad and the ugly
Vito Foderà, Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Nanomaterials, Graphene and Immune Cells – From Biomedical Applications to Fighting COVID-19
Lucia Gemma Delogu, University of Padua (Italy)
Complexity and Reality: The Case of Thermosensitive Liposome
Christine Allen, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto (Canada)
Abstracts for posters and short, 3-minute oral presentations are now being accepted.
Deadline for abstract submission: Monday, August 17, 2020 at midnight (Vancouver time)
Abstracts must be made following this template and can be one full page (not more).
The graphical component of your abstract will eventually serve as the link to your poster; the more effective the graphic, the more participants will visit your poster!
Please use full names and include a corresponding author’s email in your abstract.
Presentations on research not centrally concerned with, but related to, nanomedicine are also welcome.
To submit, click on the “submit your abstract” button, complete the online form, and upload your one-page PDF.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts to this event has passed.
A program of talks (see Session 5 of the event program) and a poster competition were generated from the abstracts submitted.
Late abstracts will be accepted for consideration as posters.
Please send your late abstract submission as a single-page PDF to:
NOTE: In the submission form, please be sure to indicate your preference for an oral or a poster presentation. From the abstracts submitted, the program committee will choose seven abstracts to be presented as short talks (3-minute talk plus a 2-minute Q&A); these seven abstracts may also be presented as posters. The authors of the rest of the accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a poster. Cash prizes (of $500, $350 and $150) will be awarded to the top three posters in the competition.
Deadline for poster submission: Friday, September 4, 2020 at midnight (Vancouver time)
Those invited to participate in the poster competition must submit an electronic poster as a PDF file.
The ideal aspect ratio for your poster is 16:9, as in this sample poster. However, posters of other proportions and orientations are acceptable.
Please include an empty box in the top left corner of your poster (as in the sample poster) for your poster number.
As in past years, we will present cash prizes for the best posters. Thanks to our sponsors, we will award $500, $350 and $150 for the top three posters.
The deadline for the submission of posters to this event has passed.
A program of talks and a poster competition featuring 46 entries has been generated from the abstracts submitted.
Click the button below to see the list of authors and titles in the poster competition.
Late abstracts will be accepted for consideration as posters.
Please send your late abstract submission as a single-page PDF to:
NOTE: The electronic posters will be exhibited online from Monday, September 7 onward, for all to see. Please ensure you do not include in your poster anything confidential or disclose IP that would invalidate a patent application.
Registration to Virtual Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2020 is free.
However, your advance registration is required for planning purposes.
We look forward to including you on September 17, 2020!
There is no registration fee for this event, but registration is required.
Registrants will be sent a link to join the event.
If you registered and did not receive a link, click the button below.
Participation link
The participation link was sent to the emails of all registrants (as provided in the registration form) repeatedly. We are sorry if you did not receive it. Please check your spam folder.
We do not want you to miss the event, so here is the link:
The event begins today, Thursday September 17, 2020, at 8:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Please note that all the times given in the event program are in PDT.
We look forward to your participation.
Please register by September 4, 2019
Nanomedicine Day Vancouver 2019 was held at:
The Nest
6133 University Boulevard
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
The Nest, which opened its doors in June 2015, is an open, light-filled, beautifully situated and environmentally sustainable facility whose style is described as “West Coast casual meets modern elegance.”
We invite organizations that share NMIN and UBC’s enthusiasm for the enormous potential of nanomedicines to become the dominant medicines of the future, to consider partnering with us as event sponsors.
We offer various levels of sponsorship to ensure the best fit with your organization’s marketing, outreach and networking objectives.
Please review the sponsorship opportunities in our prospectus.
If you are interested in sponsoring, or have any questions, please contact:
Dr. Urs Hafeli
NanoMedicine Day organizer
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of British Columbia
Silver sponsors

Acuitas is a private company based in Vancouver, British Columbia that is partnered with multiple pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies and academic institutes to advance nucleic acid therapeutics to the clinic and to the marketplace. We work with partners to develop new therapies to address unmet clinical needs based on our internationally recognized capabilities in delivery technology.

adMare BioInnovations is Canada’s Global Life Sciences Venture, building the Canadian life sciences industry from sea to sea. They partner with leading academic researchers and biotech companies to advance commercially promising therapeutic innovations to create new companies of scale; and offer specialized scientific and commercial expertise, infrastructure and capital to help existing companies scale up.
Bronze sponsors

Uniquely operated in British Columbia as an independent CRO, BRI focuses on pre-clinical and clinical programs supporting biotech and pharmaceutical companies. BRI has capabilities in LC/MS/MS and multiplex ELISA bioanalytical, in-vivo and in-vitro drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics and human tumor xenograft mouse models.

STEMCELL Technologies Inc. supports global life sciences research with more than 2,500 specialized tools and services. They provide high quality cell culture media, cell separation technologies, instruments, accessory products and scientific services that are used by scientists conducting stem cell biology, immunology, cancer, regenerative medicine, and cellular therapy research.