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LRD 2022


Abstract submission

The call for late-breaking abstracts is now closed.

Late-Breaking Abstract submissions have the same scope and format as the standard abstracts, but are being accepted with a later deadline and will be eligible only for poster presentation (not oral).

On behalf of Liposome Research Days (LRD) 2022, we are pleased to invite all interested parties to submit abstracts for consideration for presentation at our meeting Catalyzing the Nanomedicine Revolution, June 12-15, 2022, at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada.

Abstracts suitable for presentation at the meeting will be chosen by a panel of experts and the authors will be noticed of their acceptance. Poster boards (width: 8′ x height: 4′) will be available throughout the meeting.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the program booklet and entered into a competition for cash prizes.

Abstract template

(click on image to download document in Word)