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NMIN researcher’s company develops new DNA-based COVID-19 vaccine

Edmonton-based company Entos Pharmaceuticals has developed a new DNA-based vaccine for COVID-19 that is expected to enter Phase 1 clinical trials soon. NMIN researcher Dr. John Lewis, associate professor of oncology at the University of Alberta, is CEO of Entos. At the outset of the pandemic, the company repurposed its… Read More »NMIN researcher’s company develops new DNA-based COVID-19 vaccine

Canadian technology enables Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine Above: watch the 26 April 2021 coverage of this story by GlobalNews. See also the CIHR’s timeline and video “The long road to mRNA vaccines,” featuring the contributions highlighted here. Pfizer caught the world’s attention with its promising early results for a COVID-19 vaccine candidate. What has been less… Read More »Canadian technology enables Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

Meet NMIN’s HQP Program Advisory Committee (HPAC)

The NanoMedicines Innovation Network (NMIN) is pleased to introduce the inaugural members of its Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Program Advisory Committee (HPAC). The HQP Program Advisory Committee advises the Research Management Committee (RMC) of NMIN on training and programming opportunities that will increase the knowledge, skills and expertise of trainees… Read More »Meet NMIN’s HQP Program Advisory Committee (HPAC)