Dr. Cullis stepping down as Scientific Director to pursue commercialization opportunities
NMIN’s founding Scientific Director, Dr. Pieter Cullis, seizes yet another new opportunity.
Over his celebrated career, he has spearheaded numerous innovations and created a range of new business opportunities for Canadians through his intrepid entrepreneurialism.
Most recently, his aptitude for combining vision with action culminated in establishment of the NMIN Network, and in his research enabling one of the COVID-19 vaccines that is helping end the global pandemic.
If this was not enough, Dr. Cullis is now poised to further advance the field of nanomedicines with yet another visionary undertaking, focusing on the launch and support of a series of new start-up nanomedicine-based companies.
In this context, Dr. Cullis has indicated his intention to step down as NMIN’s Scientific Director, effective 30 June 2021.
In confirming his intentions to the NCE Program, Dr. Cullis noted:
“It has been an honour to serve as the Scientific Director of NMIN and I thank you all for your participation. Collectively we are making a huge difference – nanomedicines are definitely the medicines of the future!”
“We should also be grateful for the NCE system itself. This transformational program has been a catalyst for innovation for for thousands of Canadian researchers and trainees. “
“I am happy to have been a part of the launch of this important Canadian initiative and I thank you for your continued support of this exciting NCE.”
Within NMIN, Dr. Cullis will continue to serve as a Theme 2: Gene Therapies Research Co-leader, a Board member, and as an NMIN investigator. He will also invigorate the Network’s research and innovation endeavours through new start-up support initiatives.
NMIN’s Board, staff, Committee members,and research leaders are united in expressing their appreciation to Dr. Cullis for his efforts in guiding the Network from inception, through its funding and start-up phases.
NMIN Board Chair Mr. Don Enns notes that “Dr. Cullis will leave NMIN in a strong scientific and operational position, which will allow the organization to advance its mandate and enhance Canada’s position as a global leader in developing next generation nanomedicines.”
A process for identifying a successor for Dr. Cullis has been initiated, and the NMIN Board has confirmed that the Network Administrative Centre will remain at The University of British Columbia.
Video available of the inaugural NMIN Lecture with Dr. Cullis: If I Wasn’t a Scientific Entrepreneur, We Wouldn’t Have Enabled the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Watch the recording below.