NMIN 2024 Research Conference
24-27 January 2024
NMIN’s 2024 Research Conference brought together a collection of Canada’s foremost nanomedicine researchers and innovators, including NMIN Scientific Leaders, Theme Leaders, researchers, trainees, and industry and not-for-profit partner organizations, to:
- share Network research results contributing to realizing the revolutionary potential of nanomedicines and generating social and economic benefits for Canadians;
- feature posters by NMIN trainees – the next generation of nanomedicine research talent, sector leadership and innovation;
- discuss nanomedicine industry priorities and plans for expansion of the Canadian ecosystem, with input from NMIN spin-off company representatives;
- learn from invited keynote speakers with expert knowledge about global innovation trends, nanomedicine science, and experience in scaling nanomedicine companies from local to global operations; and
- explore opportunities to enhance and accelerate Canadian contributions to world-leading nanomedicines science and technologies.

More information coming soon. Please check back.
Day 1 (Thursday, November 17, 2022)
- Welcoming remarks from NMIN Board Chair Dr. Inès Holzbaur
- Opening Keynote presentation by Lloyd Jeffs (Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Development), Precision NanoSystems
- NMIN Spin-off Company Presentations: overview presentations on the six start-up companies to have emerged from NMIN research to date
- Networking reception
Day 2 (Friday, November 18, 2022)
- Research sessions:
– NMIN’s Legacy Core Facilities
– Triggered release & targeted delivery research
– Advancing nanoparticle applications - Invited Presentation by Dr. Shehzad Iqbal, Senior Medical Director, Canada, Moderna
- Poster Presentations and judging
- Gala dinner with
HQP Awards and a special Recognition Ceremony (only included with full registration)
Day 3 (Saturday, November 19, 2022)
- Research sessions:
– Immunotherapy research
– Cancer diagnostics and therapeutics research - Panel Discussion: NMIN Legacy Opportunities for Impact
- Closing Keynote presentation by NMIN’s Founding Scientific Director, Dr. Pieter Cullis
- Joint reception for Scientific Meeting and Trainee Symposium attendees
Day 4 (Sunday, November 20, 2022)
- NMIN Trainee Symposium: Details available here
Featured speakers included...

BC Cancer

Laval University

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

Vega BioImaging

University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia



Medical College of Wisconsin


NanoVation Therapeutics

University of Alberta

University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

University of Alberta

University of British Columbia

National Research Council Canada

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

University of Toronto

University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

NMIN Scientific Director

University of Saskatchewan

Quark Venture

University of Alberta

NanoVation Therapeutics

Late Breaking Poster Abstracts are now being accepted for potential inclusion in the poster exhibit at this event.
Late-Breaking Poster Abstract submissions have the same scope and format as standard abstracts, but are being accepted with a later deadline. They will not be adjudicated or included in the event abstracts booklet, and are not eligible for prizes.
Whether you missed the standard deadline for some reason, or because you have late-breaking science, we encourage you to submit your late-breaking poster abstract now!
Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday 11 January 2024
Submit by email to: divyarao@nanomedicines.ca
The 2024 NMIN Poster Competition took place during the 2024 Research Conference at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, BC, 24-27 January 2024.
The Poster Competition was open to NMIN-funded trainees and members of the NMIN HQP Network (NHN) who are interested in presenting research findings related to NMIN’s mission and mandate. Abstracts that present results with high commercial or clinical potential were strongly encouraged.
Cash prizes were awarded for the top posters (late-breaking abstracts excluded). All approved abstracts are included in the virtual Abstract Books (late-breaking abstracts excluded).
Registration for this event is now closed as we have reached capacity.
Category | Fee |
Full Registration: NMIN Researcher/ NMIN Research Collaborator/ Academic/ Not-for-profit | $799 |
Full Registration: NMIN HQP/ Trainees; Students & Technical Staff | $599 |
Full Registration: Industry | $999 |
Invited Guest | Complementary |
One-day Registration | $300 |
Gala Dinner Only / Additional Gala Dinner Guests | $150 |
Full Registration includes Opening Reception, Breakfasts, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Poster Judging Reception and Gala Dinner between January 24-27.
One-day Registration does not include access to the Gala Dinner.
Registered conference attendees can book their rooms at the event venue at a preferred rate of $249 (+ taxes) per night. See below./p>
REFUND POLICY: Cancellations after 31 August 2023 are ineligible for refund.
NMIN Conference Travel Grants and Poster Presentation Travel Awards may be applied towards travel (economy class), accommodation (only at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, Vancouver, which will be booked for recipients by the NMIN Administrative Centre), registration, and ground transportation costs.
NMIN Conference Travel Grants
- Eligibility: Available to NMIN PIs and HQP not on projects currently funded by NMIN. HQP on currently funded projects are eligible ONLY if the conference costs of two other HQP are already being covered by project funds. NMIN Accelerators and Core Facility staff are NOT eligible.
- Application form: download in Word
- More info: contact NMIN’s Manager, HQP Programs & Network Events, Divya Rao: divyarao@nanomedicines.ca
Poster Presenter Travel Awards
- Eligibility: Available to all NMIN HQP participating in the poster competition, regardless of whether they are on a currently funded NMIN project or not.
- More info: contact NMIN’s Manager, HQP Programs & Network Events, Divya Rao: divyarao@nanomedicines.ca
For technical reasons, the conference registration portal has been temporarily disabled. We expect to have it back online soon. Please check back in the near future. Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.
NMIN’s 2024 Research Conference was held at:
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
900 Canada Place Way, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Located on the city’s dynamic harbourfront, Fairmont Waterfront is a world class hotel. It offers upscale comfort, personalized service, and unparalleled West Coast views, with easy access to everything that makes Vancouver spectacular.
We invite organizations that share NMIN’s commitment to the revolutionary potential of nanomedicines, and that wish to help develop the next generation of Canadian nanomedicine researchers and entrepreneurs, to partner with NMIN as an event sponsor.
NMIN offers various levels of sponsorship to ensure the best fit with your organization’s marketing, outreach and networking objectives.
Please review the sponsorship opportunities in the conference prospectus.
If you are interested in sponsoring, or have any questions, please contact:
Divya Rao
NMIN HQP Program and Network Events Manager