The NanoMedicines Innovation Network (NMIN) is pleased to introduce the 2023-24 Executive Committee of its Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Network – the NMIN HQP Network (NHN).
The NHN Executive Committee is comprised entirely of NMIN HQP, and plays a leadership role in the planning and realization of NMIN’s HQP programs, activities and other opportunities.
Its elected 2023-24 members are:

Top row, left to right:
- President: Jennyfer Zapata-Farfan, PhD candidate, Biomedical Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Supervisor: Dr. Michel Meunier
- Vice-President: Michael Valic, PhD candidate, Biomedical/Medical Engineering, University of Toronto, Supervisor: Dr. Gang Zheng
- Events Director: Dr. Noorjahan Aibani, Scientist, Precision NanoSystems Inc.
- Regional Director – Quebec/Atlantic: Amélie Baron, PhD candidate, Biomedical Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Supervisor: Dr. Michel Meunier
- Member-at-large: Ariadne Tuckmantel Bido, PhD candidate, Chemistry, University of Victoria, Supervisor: Dr. Alexandre G. Brolo
Bottom row, left to right:
- Member-at-large: Dr. Alexander Baker, Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry, University of Toronto, Supervisor: Dr. Keith Pardee
- Communications Director: Norman Chow, Research Assistant, BC Cancer, Supervisor: Dr. Marcel Bally
- Member-at-large: Talita de Francesco, PhD candidate, Chemistry, University of Victoria, Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Moffitt
- Regional Director – West-Central (AB, SK, MB): Tavonga Mandava, MSc Candidate, Pharmacy, University of Saskatchewan, Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Wasan
- Regional Director – Pacific (BC): Liza Silverman, PhD candidate, Chemistry, University of Victoria, Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Moffitt
- Regional Director – Ontario: Dr. Nashmia Zia, Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry, University of Toronto, Supervisor: Dr. Gilbert Walker
The NMIN 2023-24 NHN Executive Committee will serve for a one-year term. See the full profiles of its members here.
The mandate of the NMIN HQP Network (NHN) Executive Committee is to enhance research and professional networking opportunities for NMIN research trainees and new professionals.